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Definition - What does Hyperextension mean?

Hyperextension refers to a joint, muscle, ligament, or tendon that stretches beyond its normal range of motion, usually resulting in injury to the affected connective tissue. Such injury is usually accompanied by certain physiological symptoms that include inflammation, pain, and immobility, depending on the severity of the trauma. Most hyperextension accidents are sports-related, involving injuries to the knees and elbows among competing athletes, but the wrists and ankles are other jointed areas that are susceptible to hyperextension as well, causing either temporary or permanent damage In the workplace, workers involved in physical activities such as moving stock are at higher risk for this type of injury.

SureHire explains Hyperextension

When a joint, muscle, ligament, or tendon suffers a hyperextension, a strain or complete rupture can occur due to an opposing force or resistance applying excessive pressure to the point that normal range of motion is compromised. Hyperextension is a frequent occurrence among athletes, but its traumatic circumstances can be experienced and felt by anyone who overtaxes a body part's range of motion. Hyperextension is usually followed with edema (swelling), redness, contusion, and moderate to intense pain. The administration of physical therapy treatment combined with personal care using practical methods like cold compress application, elevation of the extremity/limb, plentiful rest, and gradual rehabilitative exercises can expedite the recovery process by a considerable margin.

In the workplace, good ergonomic design and policies, along with worker education of safety procedures in physical duties, can reduce the occurance of hyperextension injuries.

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